Shani Smith Shani Smith

Art, Expression, and Growth: What “Things I Think About and Other Works” Teaches Us

The author discusses insights from Nadia Clark’s book “Things I Think About an Other Works”. Mental health, perfectionism, and identity are some of the topics covered in this article.

This week I finished reading Nadia Clark’s book entitled Things I Think About and Other Works: A Healing Through Creative Expression. Nadia is a U.S. Army Veteran, former law enforcement officer, Author, and Entrepreneur. Her book takes you on a journey into the significant events that impacted her life and causes you to ponder on the gift of life and how you use each day to improve physically, mentally, and spiritually. This book is straightforward, yet grabs your attention immediately and can be read in one to two days.

After the dedication portion of the book, the book contains forty-seven short chapters that briefly detail her childhood, experiences as a black woman working in law enforcement, battle with maintaining her mental and physical health, and questions that she asks herself that anyone can identify with. In the chapter entitled “A Little Intro”, the quote “And I was told I chose the careers, I chose the city, that was my cost of doing business…deal with it,” reminds us that we are responsible for the choices that we make in our professional lives and we have the power to make different choices.

The chapter entitled “Home” makes us aware that the concept of home is a physical and mental dwelling. If you are not comfortable with yourself, being in a particular physical location will not relieve your mental anguish. In the chapter “Life Change”, Nadia explains how searching for her identity led her to strengthen her relationship with God by aligning her identity with God’s promises. This chapter teaches us that believing in the sovereignty of God can relieve our anxiety and other mental battles.

Nadia provides the following American Psychological Association definition of perfectionism in the chapter entitled “Perfectionism” as: the tendency to demand of others or of oneself an extremely high or even flawless level of performance, in excess of what is required by the situation. It is associated with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and other mental health problems. She insinuates that although perfectionism is harmful, it is required in careers in uniform. I think it is also required in other careers where you are responsible for protecting life such as healthcare and aviation. This chapter makes you think how perfectionism in your own life has shaped the way you treat yourself and the demands that you make on others.

“Wallowing” is a chapter that describes the mental gymnastics that Nadia participated in during her career. The chapter “Officer Down” reads like a crime drama as Nadia vividly describes the sequence of events that occur after and officer is shot. These chapters leave the reader yearning for more and I hope that Nadia will write a crime drama soon based on her experiences.

The chapters entitled “What are you waiting for..” and “Live An Unbelievable Life” are a call to action to do all the things that you have been putting off due to procrastination or suffering from imposter syndrome.

Overall, this book will make you realize that you can overcome any challenges by connecting with God and doing the physical and mental work to become the person that you can be proud of.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

The Flexible Leader: Evolving Styles for Life’s Unique Seasons

Leading groups often requires customizing your leadership style to facilitate team work and implement the team’s vision. This article discusses democratic, pacesetting, coaching, innovative, authoritative, and bureaucratic leadership styles as it relates to leading teams and leading your family.

One year into my Toastmasters Journey , I discovered that my preferred leadership styles were democratic, pacesetting, and coaching. The democratic leadership style encourages active participation among team members and the leader uses collaboration and communication to receive input from team members.  The pacesetting leadership style is productivity focused and the leader expects the team members to embrace new projects and complete them quickly. The coaching leadership style involves the leader motivating and challenging individual team members to reach their full potential. These leadership styles worked for me because in 2019, I led the Missions Ministry at my church, and I also mentored employees new to the agency. Fast forward five years later, I no longer lead a group of people or formally mentor young professionals. Now, I have the responsibility of raising a child who will make a positive impact on society. Also, I must ensure that I set a good example for my daughter and align my actions with my words. In addition, I’m preparing for life after my career ends by receiving coaching on entrepreneurship and sales. Parenting and pivoting to another occupation often require different leadership styles. When I took the leadership style questionnaire this year, I learned that now my preferred leadership styles are innovative, coaching, and democratic.

The innovative leadership style is characterized as being the most effective at problem solving.  Leaders who use this style pursue excellence, share a vision of the future, and support innovative ideas. Being a parent requires that I set a good example for my daughter by pursuing excellence and encouraging her to think outside of the box to come up with creative ideas to solve problems. Coaching and democratic styles have remained my go-to leadership styles. The coaching leadership style also involves communicating one-on-one with an individual to promote a high level of personal gratification. In the future, I want to encourage and challenge clients to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams by pointing out what they do well and the skills they can develop to obtain their desired results. Also, I want to motivate my daughter to hone her God given gifts and talents by enrolling her in classes that will help her develop these attributes and encourage her to keep going if she feels that the classes are too difficult.

In the democratic leadership style, the leader motivates by providing opportunity for participation. In addition, the leader is comfortable in letting others lead certain projects. In the future, I can occasionally use this style with my daughter by having her decide what chores she would like to do to maintain our home.  Although I don’t currently lead a team, I know that delegation will allow team members to work in their specialties and allow the team leader to focus on managing the team and promoting the team’s vision. The leadership styles that I need to incorporate in my leadership style arsenal are authoritative and bureaucratic.

The authoritative leadership style allows the leader to provide long-term direction and focus on end-goals. The leader provides clear direction and sets standards while motivating and inspiring enthusiasm for the mission. As a parent, I know that I need to give my daughter clear instructions and set standards for her to follow. For example, my daughter will begin potty training soon and I have purchased a children’s book on potty training and watched children programming with her that covers the steps for using the potty.

When decisions need to be made in a short time period, the bureaucratic leadership style is useful. Furthermore, this leadership style motivates by discipline and demands immediate compliance. I have used this leadership style when I needed to quickly enroll my daughter in daycare due to her sitter obtaining a full-time job. I will need to incorporate the bureaucratic leadership style more to instill discipline in my daughter. Since she is young and doesn’t understand yet why she shouldn’t everything in her mouth or go near the oven, I have to use bureaucratic leadership and take objects away from her and guide her away from the oven.

Innovative, coaching, and democratic leadership styles are currently my preferred styles and reflect this season of my life. As my life evolves, I know through experience that I have the flexibility to use the leadership styles I have adapted in the past and use new leadership styles depending on the groups that I will lead in the future. 

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

The Power of True Connection: Insights from Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

The author shares insights from the self-development book Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell. The article defines effective communicators and explains how they achieve career, business, and personal achievements.

How do you connect with others?

I connect with others by asking questions about where they are from, their profession, and interests. The theme of Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell is that without connection, you cannot communicate effectively with others. The book is divided up into two parts. The first part is entitled Connecting Principles and contains five chapters that lay the foundation on how to connect with others. The chapter entitled “Connecting Increases Your Influence in Every Situation” impacted me because it discussed how vital connecting with others is to your professional and personal life. In my professional life, I have observed individuals who excelled at forming connections with their colleagues and superiors were likely promoted. In my personal life, I have observed that people who were the most popular connected effortlessly with others.

The chapter entitled “Connecting Goes Beyond Words” highlights a study by Albert Mehrabian, Professor Emeritus at UCLA, that found that face-to-face communication consists of three components: verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and visual communication.  All components are important; however, visual communication, followed by non-verbal communication have the most impact on how we are seen by others. As the old saying goes, Actions speak louder than words.

The chapter entitled “Connecting is More Skill Than Natural Talent” focuses on the five factors that effective communicators use that encourage people to listen to them.

The first factor is Relationships: Effective communicators form relationships with people or groups who have influence in the area that they desire access.

The second factor is Insight: Effective communicators generously share their expertise which will cause others to respect and want to connect with them.

The third factor is Success: Effective communicators draw an audience who desires to be successful in the same area of the communicators.

The fourth factor is Ability: Effective communicators who have a high-level of ability in an area attract others to connect with them.

The fifth factor is Sacrifice: Effective communicators who have made sacrifices, overcome obstacles, or suffered tragedies and have remained optimistic despite the circumstances can connect with others.

This chapter stood out to me because growing up as an introvert, I thought that some people were just gifted at connecting with others. In my professional career, I began to realize that connecting with others is something that you have to continuously work at.

The second part of the book is entitled Connecting Practices which gives you practical advice on how to connect with others.

The chapter entitled “Connectors Do the Difficult Work of Keeping It Simple” provides five guidelines that effective communicators use to simplify their messages.

1.       Talk to People, Not Above Them: Don’t use professional jargon when communicating with an audience unfamiliar with your area of expertise.

2.       Get to the Point: A direct approach to communication is essential; especially when you have to communicate difficult information.

3.       Say It Over and Over and Over and Over and Over Again: Effective communicators are willing to emphasize a point.

4.       Say It Clearly: Effective communicators speak clearly to allow their audience to understand what they are trying to communicate.

5.       Say Less: Effective communicators don’t overwhelm their audience with too much information.

This chapter made an impression on me because it emphasizes what I need to do as a public speaker to effectively connect with my audience.

The chapter entitled “Connectors Inspire People” resonated with me because I aim to inspire others each time that I speak. This chapter highlights an Inspiration Equation the author developed to describe how effective communicators inspire others.

What They Know + What They See + What They Feel = Inspiration

What They Know: The audience needs to know that you understand them and are focused on them.

What They See: The audience needs to see you are passionate about what you are presenting.

What They Feel: The audience needs to feel that you are passionate about your subject and about their success and well-being.

The chapter entitled “Connectors Live What They Communicate” stood out to me because it reminds me of the old saying “Practice what you preach”. Which essentially means that if you are constantly telling others to do a certain thing or live a certain way, you should be doing it too. Your credibility as an effective communicator is reduced if it is revealed that you don’t practice what you preach.  This chapter highlights the lifestyle of effective communicators which consists of credibility, integrity, accountability, and vulnerability.

Overall, I have learned that to be an effective communicator, you must be passionate about your subject matter, empathetic to the needs of your audience, and consistently seek opportunities to improve your communication skills.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

I Think I Can: Timeless Takeaways from The Little Engine That Could

Last year may have been filled with challenges and undesirable outcomes. If you are feeling discouraged about becoming successful due to unfavorable circumstances, this article will encourage you to keep going. It discusses the life lessons of persistence and self-belief from the classic children’s book The Little Engine That Could.

This week I became encouraged and inspired after reading the classic children’s book, The Little Engine That Could, to my daughter. The story begins with a “Happy Train” carrying toys, food, and candy to children on the other side of the mountain. Suddenly, the Happy Train’s engine stops and is unable to move again. The “Funny Little Clown” who is riding on the Happy Train sees a “Shiny New Engine” and asks it if can help pull the Happy Train over the mountain. The Shiny New Engine refuses the clown’s request and explains that it only carries important people and would not be caught carrying the items on the Happy Train. The toys become sad; however, the clown is undeterred. The clown sees a “Big Engine” and makes the same request. The Big Engine Train refuses and explains that it just pulled books and magazines for adults and the items on the Happy Train are not important. After hearing this, the toys become “very sad”; but the clown does not give up and flags down a “Rusty Engine”.  The Rusty Engine refuses and says that it is too old and tired to pull the Happy Train.

The toys are now “very, very, sad”; however, the clown is relentless. The clown sees a “Little Blue Engine” and asks if it can help. The Little Blue Engine responds that it is not very big and has never been over a mountain. However, the Little Blue Engine has compassion for the toys and the mission of delivering the goods to the children and agrees to pull the Happy Train. As the Little Blue Engine pulls the Happy Train, it says repeatedly “I Think I Can” and gains momentum for the journey over the mountain.  The Little Blue Engine gains confidence afterwards and thinks: “I thought I could. I thought I could . . .”

Although this book is written for children, it instills three valuable lessons in children and adults.

1.       Adversity is inevitable.

You will encounter individuals or circumstances that will attempt to discourage you from achieving your goals. Some people who have the knowledge and skills to help you will not provide assistance. Circumstances in your life such as illness, doubt, accidents, death of a loved one, or extra assignments at your job will attempt to derail your plans for working towards your goals. You may even complain and/or shed tears due to the adversity. However, you can’t give up.

2.       Believe that you can achieve.

The first step to becoming successful is having a mindset that nurtures a positive outcome. You can develop this mindset by receiving mentorship from someone who has experienced success in the area that you desire, reading biographies of successful people who have overcome adversities, or listening to podcasts that focus on self-development.

3.       Persistence wins.

If the clown let the “no” from the three other engines stop him, the toys and food would not have been delivered to the children. You have gifts and talents that are ready to be delivered to the world. To make a powerful impact, you can’t let others disbelief or limited mindset stop you.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

Rediscover Your Creativity With These Pathways to Personal and Professional Growth

Do you need to unlock your creativity in your professional or personal life? Guest writer, Jennifer McGregor, shares seven practical techniques to ignite your creativity.

In a world that thrives on innovation, maintaining a vibrant creative spirit is essential. Yet,

many find themselves trapped in cycles of routine, where inspiration seems elusive.

Breaking free from this monotony requires a willingness to explore new territories and

embrace change. Whether it’s through a career shift, a new hobby, or simply altering daily

habits, these changes can breathe new life into your creative endeavors. Let’s take a look at

a few ways you can get started:

Try Your Hand at Photography

Photography offers a unique opportunity to see the world from fresh perspectives,

revealing beauty in the mundane. By repeatedly photographing an ordinary object, for

instance, you can discover new angles and compositions that might surprise you. This

practice not only sharpens your technical skills but also encourages creative expression by

challenging conventional composition rules. For a different artistic approach, consider

experimenting with black-and-white photography, which can provide a new dimension to

familiar scenes.

Engage in Culinary Exploration

Diving into new and exotic cuisines can be a transformative way to invigorate your

creativity and inspire fresh ideas. By venturing beyond familiar culinary boundaries, you

open yourself to a world of diverse flavors, textures, and aromas that not only delight your

taste buds but also challenge your perspective. This sensory journey encourages innovative

thinking as you encounter unique combinations and presentations. Engaging with different

culinary traditions can spark your imagination, offering insights applicable to both

personal and professional realms.

Enhance Creativity Through Better Sleep

To unlock your creative potential, consider enhancing your sleep quality by minimizing

screen exposure before bedtime. Research indicates that blue light from devices can

interfere with your natural sleep cycle, resulting in diminished sleep quality. Establishing a

routine to turn off electronics a few hours before sleep allows your body to prepare for rest

naturally. Additionally, using apps that filter blue light or opting for lamps with red or

orange light can further create a conducive sleep environment. These simple changes can

significantly improve your sleep, thereby boosting your cognitive abilities and creative


Seek Out New Experiences

Many people feel they aren’t fully tapping into their creative skills, which underscores the

importance of innovative learning methods. By embracing novel experiences, you stimulate

your brain to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that enhances learning and memory,

fostering a lifelong habit of curiosity. Engaging in diverse activities, like attending

workshops or exploring different podcast genres, can significantly boost your creative

potential. Look for new forms of entertainment, or try a new hobby with a friend. These are

fun ways to boost your wellbeing while enhancing your ability to create.

Think About Looking For a New Career Path

One of the most transformative ways to revitalize your creativity is by exploring a new

career path. Pursuing an online degree can make this transition smooth and flexible,

allowing you to continue working while gaining new skills. For instance, enrolling in an

online computer science program can help you build expertise in IT and programming. This

flexibility enables you to balance your current job with your studies, making it feasible to

delve into a field that might spark your passion and creativity. Take a look at the

curriculum for an online computer science degree to get a feel for how the program will


Boost Your Brain Power

To unlock your creative potential, it’s essential to enhance your memory and recall

abilities. By training your internal memory and using external aids like notes and

calendars, you can more effectively access past knowledge and experiences. Techniques

such as mnemonic training have shown promise in improving episodic memory

performance. This method allows you to create vivid associations between spatial locations

and information, enriching your ability to recall and apply past insights.

Consider Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Engaging in cross-disciplinary learning is a powerful way to boost your creativity, both

personally and professionally. By collaborating with individuals from diverse fields, you

gain fresh perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions. Each discipline offers its own

unique approach to problem-solving, creating a synergy that is often more effective than

working in isolation. Many institutions emphasize the importance of such collaboration,

recognizing that real-world problems often require a multifaceted approach.

Embracing change and seeking out new experiences can transform your creative journey.

By venturing into unfamiliar territories, you not only enhance your skills but also cultivate

a mindset ready to tackle challenges with innovation and resilience. This proactive

approach to creativity ensures that you remain adaptable and inspired, ready to seize

opportunities as they arise.

Elevate your writing projects with expert assistance from SJS Writes, where Shani Smith and

her team bring your ideas to life with precision and creativity!

Written by: Jennifer McGregor,

Jennifer McGregor is a pre-med student, who enjoys writing about health and medical topics and providing reliable health and medical resources. Together with a friend, she co-created as a way to push reputable information on health topics to the forefront, making them easier and quicker to find.

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Unlocking Innovation: How to Find Creative Solutions to Any Problem

Have you ever felt stuck on how to solve a problem? Did you walk away or continue working on it? This post discusses the author’s experience with a problematic knot and six techniques to obtain creative solutions to your problem.

On Saturday night, after living with a cumbersome knot in the drawstring of my dark gray shorts for at least two years, I finally removed the knot. My past attempts at loosening the knot with my fingernails failed miserably and seemed to make the knot tighter. Thankfully, the elastic waist band of the shorts stretched wide enough to allow me to circumvent the knot problem and put them on. You might be thinking that if I were really interested in removing the knot in my drawstring, I could have searched online and/or found a YouTube video on the topic. However, I felt a gratifying sense of accomplishment by using items that I had available to me to solve this problem. The knot removal process that I used involved three steps.

First step:  Place the “rattail end” (metal end) of a rattail comb in the center of the knot.

Second step: Place the plastic end of a nail cuticle pusher in the left side of the knot.

Third step: Tug the rattail comb and the nail cuticle pusher outward simultaneously to remove the knot.

After I removed the knot, it made me think about the atmosphere I created to induce problem solving. I was relaxed while folding clothes and singing along to music from Phil Collins and a mix of other pop/rhythm and blues hits. This observation led me to research ways other individuals find creative solutions to problems.

Scott Jeffrey, Founder of CEOsage, published an article that discusses twelve creative techniques for problem solving. The four techniques that stood out the most to me are provided below.

1.     Focus on Quantity Over Quality

To keep your ideas flowing, focus on generating plenty of ideas before scrutinizing them. These ideas could become solutions to your problem.

2.     Switch Roles

Attempt to solve the problem from another perspective. For example, Mr. Jeffrey states that if you are an entrepreneur attempting to solve a problem for your customer, adopt the “customer’s mindset”.  Mr. Jeffrey also emphasizes that the ability to see situations from other perspectives will make you a better problem solver and leader.

3.     Explore Different Contexts

Expand your scope and look at the bigger picture as it relates to your problem. If your child performed poorly on an exam, don’t assume that is a result of insufficient studying. Investigate the total scope.

1.     Does your child have test taking anxiety?

2.     Did your child get adequate rest the night before the exam?

3.     Did your child study material unrelated to what was being tested?

4.       Walk Away

Walking away from a problem you are trying to solve may sound counterintuitive; however, creative geniuses use this technique to come up with innovative solutions to their problems. Walking away from the problem by taking a walk and/or meditating frees your mind and allows you to be, according to Mr. Jeffrey, “flexible, appreciative, and unattached to beliefs, rules, or conventions.”

Sarah Greenberg, a psychotherapist and board-certified leadership coach, published an article entitled 8 creative solutions to your most challenging problems which has the following two solutions that stood out the most.

1.     Connect With Your Purpose

Understanding the motivation behind wanting to solve your problem will help generate solutions.

2.     Start Again

Learning from failures can give you a new approach to find solutions to your problems.

Creative solutions will come to you once you are open to them. Removing the limitations from your thinking, adopting a different perspective, and focusing on why you want to solve your problem will allow you to become an innovate problem solver.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

Thriving with Time: How to Prioritize and Manage Your Schedule Post-Recovery

Prioritizing and managing your schedule post-recovery from a long illness are essential for success. This post defines high priority and low priority tasks as it relates to accomplishing your goals and provides four techniques to get back on track.

Could have…  Should have… Would have…  if I weren’t sick.

While I was ill, I kept thinking about all the things I would have accomplished. For instance, I would have increased my productivity at work, completed a professional development course, and delivered at least two speeches. If you have ever thought that you have lost time due to an illness, you are not alone. Your employer thinks about this lost time too. Integrated Benefits Institute published a study that found employees’ health challenges “cost employers in the United States an average of $575 billion in lost productivity.” In the United Kingdom, lost productivity in 2023 cost employers £138.3bn.

How can you reclaim the lost time? If you are currently in the post-recovery stage of your illness, you can remind yourself that there are over 100 days left in this year. If you prioritize tasks that move you closer to achieving your goals, the “time lost during your illness” will not be a factor. An ironclad sense of urgency will not allow you to procrastinate or focus on other distractions.

Below is a list of techniques to that will help you prioritize and manage your schedule post-recovery.

1.       Set boundaries.

Setting boundaries for yourself will hold you accountable for completing your tasks. For example, you can make a rule to not scroll on social media while completing a project. In addition, when you do decide to catch up on social media, limit yourself to no more than thirty minutes each day.

2.       Get adequate sleep.

Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system and could negate your post-recovery efforts. Moreover, it can cause blurred vision, memory lapse, and poor reaction time. Eating a healthy meal at least three hours before bed, turning off all electronics an hour before bed, and going to bed at the same time each night, will assist you in getting enough rest to focus on your tasks the next day.

3.       Wake up before your alarm goes off.

You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. – George Horace Lorimer

You can start by waking up and getting out of bed fifteen minutes before your alarm goes off. You can do this for a couple of days to a week to ultimately wake up an hour before your alarm. Getting up early to work on high priority tasks and/or activities that you dread or would normally delay gives you momentum to get other work completed.

4.       Take one day at a time.

Divide your tasks into two categories: high priority and low priority. High priority tasks are the tasks that move your closer to your goal. Low priority tasks are all the tasks that should be completed after the high priority tasks. They can be done in 15-to-30-minute increments after you have worked at least an hour on the high priority tasks. Focus on the current day’s high priority tasks to ensure that you optimize your time. All low priority tasks can be scheduled for the next day.

The list above is just a starting point that is helping me prioritize my time post-recovery. It is up to you to develop your own set of boundaries, sleep/wake schedule, and pace. Success loves speed, and I hope that you thrive quickly post-recovery.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

From Setback to Comeback: How to Get Back on Track After a Long Illness

A long illness can temporarily disrupt achievement of your personal and professional goals. This post discusses the author’s battle with scleritis and the steps you can take to get back on track after a long illness.  

On July 15, 2024, I woke up to excruciating pain and redness that blanketed my right eye. I tried over-the-counter eyedrops to no avail for two days before going to urgent care. The urgent care nurse practitioner thought I had a severe case of conjunctivitis and prescribed eyedrops to help with the pain and redness; however, after three days, my symptoms had not improved. I secured an appointment with a primary care nurse practitioner who thought I had conjunctivitis and told me to stop taking the eyedrops and prescribed another type of eye drops that was supposed to alleviate my symptoms. Another three days passed, and I started having blurry vision in my right eye. What I was experiencing was not conjunctivitis, it was something more serious.

When I was completing the last semester of my graduate degree program in chemistry, I experienced redness in one corner of my right eye. The ophthalmologist told me that I had scleritis. Scleritis is a condition that causes redness in the sclera, the white part of the eye. An injury, fungus, or an underlying inflammatory disease can induce scleritis. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to the eye and vision loss. I was prescribed anti-inflammatory eyedrops and my symptoms cleared within a week.

Since the most recent symptoms produced redness that covered my entire eye instead of a portion of it, I hadn’t thought about my symptoms being attributed to scleritis.  As a result of the ongoing pain, redness, and blurry vision, I obtained an emergency appointment to see an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist concluded that I had scleritis and prescribed two types of eyedrops and pain medication for the symptoms. After a week, the redness, subsided in my right eye. The following week, I woke up to pain and redness in my left eye in which received the treatment that was effective for the right eye. The ophthalmologist then referred me to another specialist to determine if I have any underlying conditions that caused the condition to occur in both eyes.

After seven weeks of pain and discomfort, I’m pleased to report that I’m able to resume work on professional and personal activities. Instead of lamenting about the time I had lost, I had to evaluate what I should work on first. I decided to prioritize writing as it has helped me focus on my priorities, organize my thoughts, and generate solutions to challenges. Below is a list of other ways and quotes that can help you get back on track after a long illness.

1.       Let go of regrets.

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it it's only good for wallowing in. – Katherine Mansfield

You can’t dictate how long you are ill.  Focus your energy on things that you can control that includes your attitude and perspective about your circumstances.

2.       Develop an action plan.

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do

something about it now. – Alan Lakein

An effective action plan to get you back on track has five steps.

·       Step 1: Identify your goal

·       Step 2: Create a list of actions to accomplish your goal

·       Step 3: Set a deadline

·       Step 4: Write down the resources needed to complete your goal

·       Step 5: Specify how you will monitor the progress of your plan

3.       Execute your plan.

The secret of success is execution, not merely knowledge. – Eike Batista

You can research and plan for eternity. However, you will not have a chance of becoming successful until you execute your plan and make changes to it depending on your results.

A long illness can leave you feeling hopeless, helpless, and uncertain if you don’t have the proper mindset and plan. Executing the plan can give you the momentum you need to move forward, accomplish your goals, and even inspire others who are battling illnesses.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

Greed Unleashed: Exploring the Pervasive Pursuit of More

Greed is prevalent in our everyday lives. This post discusses the origin of greed, how greed affects our physical and mental health, and ways to combat greed.

Most people want to make more money in their career and/or business to support themselves and their families. When people sacrifice their physical and mental health or moral standards in pursuit of money, they are called greedy. Examples of greed can be found in the workplace, business, and sports industry. Greed in the workplace occurs when an employer doesn’t adequately compensate employees. In addition, employees can become greedy when they expect to be compensated without providing value to their employer.  Corporate greed in business occurs when a corporation makes decisions to prioritize profit over social responsibility. Furthermore, corporate greed has been blamed for the high prices for consumer goods. Most recently greed has been shown in the sports industry when Ippei Mizuhara, former interpreter for Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani, stole over sixteen million dollars from Mr. Ohtani to support a gambling addiction. Greed is all around us, but what is the origin of greed?

Origin of greed

Greed has been around since human civilization. Research has suggested that greed occurred in response to people placed in unpredictable environments where food and resources were scarce. People who worked to get as many resources as possible had a better chance of survival than those who did not. Those who were motivated to obtain more resources than they needed for survival were rewarded with prosperity and social status. The growth of capitalism in the western world during the 16th and 17th centuries encouraged people to accumulate wealth and become individualistic.

Pitfalls of greed                                             

Greed can cause you to become deceptive and create a persona to make people believe that you are charitable. For example, a business owner may tell customers that a percentage of the profits from each item sold may go to a particular charity. However, the business owner intends to keep all the profits. Greed can also cause stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and depression. In addition, greed has been directly associated with behaviors including hoarding, gambling, and theft.

Combating greed

Greed can be overcome by changing your mindset about money. You can start by reflecting on your motivation for acquiring more money and practice giving money to others who are less fortunate. After you give money to the less fortunate, you can record in a notebook or journal how giving money made you feel. Next, you can reflect on all the things that you are grateful for. This reflection will allow you to observe everything that you have and mitigate the feelings of lack that drive greed.

The monetary gain that greed provides in our lives is temporary compared to the long-term effects greed has on our overall wellbeing.

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Shani Smith Shani Smith

Breathe Easy: Mindfulness Techniques to Combat Stress

Stress can affect your emotional, mental, and physical health. This post provides an overview of stress management techniques to ensure overall well-being.

In today's fast-paced world, stress often becomes an unwelcome companion, shadowing our daily routines and impacting our mental health. The key to managing this inevitable aspect of life lies in identifying its sources and adopting a range of strategies to mitigate its effects. From embracing the healing power of art to reassessing dietary choices, this SJS Writes guide offers a comprehensive approach to navigating stress with grace and effectiveness. It invites you to consider practical steps toward not only reducing stress but also enhancing your overall well-being, empowering you to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Discover Stress Triggers

Identifying the roots of stress is the foundational step in addressing its presence in your life. It requires a thoughtful reflection on your daily routines, relationships, and work environment. Recognizing these triggers is essential, as it enables you to develop targeted strategies for managing stress. Whether it's a demanding job, financial worries, or personal challenges, understanding what causes your stress is the first step towards regaining control.

Embrace the Digital Detox

The constant connectivity of today’s digital world can be a significant source of stress. Implementing a digital detox plan helps in reducing the anxiety that comes from social media comparison and the incessant flow of information. This strategy involves setting aside specific times to disconnect from digital devices, allowing you to reconnect with yourself and the world around you in a more meaningful way.

Art Therapy as Emotional Outlet

Art therapy offers a unique way to express emotions and alleviate stress without the need for words. Engaging in creative activities such as painting, sculpting, or drawing allows you to channel your feelings into something tangible. This form of therapy provides a safe space to explore and release pent-up emotions, serving as a powerful tool for emotional well-being.

Consider a Career Change

Considering a career change can be a significant step towards alleviating stress from work and enhancing your mental health, offering a fresh start and new challenges that reignite passion and fulfillment in your professional life. Online degree programs make it feasible to earn your degree while still working full-time or tending to family obligations. For those drawn to a hands-on role in healthcare, earning a family nurse practitioner master's degree through available nurse practitioner programs online allows you to take an active role in diagnosing and treating patients, opening the door to a rewarding new career path.

Organize Your Life

Utilizing tools and apps designed for time and task management can significantly reduce feelings of overwhelm and boost productivity. By organizing your tasks efficiently, you create a structured approach to your day, allowing for a clearer mind and reduced stress levels. This method not only helps in managing your professional responsibilities but also in carving out time for relaxation and self-care.

Build a Support Network

Creating connections with individuals who understand and share your stressors can offer tremendous emotional support. A strong support network provides a platform for sharing experiences, offering advice, and receiving encouragement. These relationships contribute to a sense of community and belonging, essential components for mental health and resilience.

Nature Therapy

Spending time outdoors and engaging with nature is a proven way to lower stress levels and improve mood. Nature therapy, whether it's a walk in the park or simply sitting in a garden, offers a peaceful escape from the pressures of everyday life. The calming effect of natural environments fosters a sense of well-being and relaxation, making it an effective strategy for stress management.

Managing stress is a continuous journey that requires awareness, intention, and the willingness to adopt new strategies. By identifying the sources of your stress and embracing a multifaceted approach to mitigation, you can navigate life's challenges with more ease and resilience. This guide has introduced practical steps to reduce stress and enhance your quality of life, from digital detoxes and art therapy to dietary adjustments and the therapeutic power of nature. Remember, the path to a less stressful life is through proactive engagement and a commitment to self-care.

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Written by: Jennifer McGregor,

Jennifer McGregor is a pre-med student, who enjoys writing about health and medical topics and providing reliable health and medical resources. Together with a friend, she co-created as a way to push reputable information on health topics to the forefront, making them easier and quicker to find.

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PEMDAS: Order of Operations in Entrepreneurship

In mathematics there is the order of operations for solving math problems in a specific order. Entrepreneurs are in the business of solving their customers problems but the order operations may change depending on the problem. This post defines the order of operations for entrepreneurs to keep their businesses thriving and profitable.

If you attended elementary and middle school and/or have a school-aged child, you are likely familiar with the order of operations [Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (PEMDAS)] for solving math problems. I used the mnemonic device, Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, to remember to remember it. I recently listened to an episode of the Social Proof Podcast entitled 10 Steps To Go From A Hiding Business To A Thriving Business. Donni Wiggins, the show’s co-host, stated that she is a multiplier – which means that if you share a feasible idea with her, she will help you elevate it. Donni’s discussion on the show encouraged me to think about how the order of operations can be related to entrepreneurship. I know that in entrepreneurship the order of operations may change depending on the type of problem that you are solving in your business. I came up with a mnemonic device for the order of operations in entrepreneurship.

1.      Parentheses (Please)

Gather the people and the resources that can help you in your business. This step reminds me of the book Who Not How which focuses on building connections to expand your business rather than relying only on what you can do.


2.      Exponents (Entrepreneur)

Entrepreneurs are responsible for ensuring that they apply methods and/or systems  that will allow their business to grow exponentially. This may include identifying new markets for the business, investing in marketing, and evaluating progress.


3.      Multiplication (Money)

Find a system that will multiply your efforts and money. For example, customer relationship management (CRM) technology can be used to stay connected with customers and acquire new customers.


4.      Division (Decisions)

Delegate tasks and eliminate divisive people. Delegating tasks to others and eliminating divisive people will allow you to focus on business growth.


5.      Addition (Affect)

Increase your skills and add new people to your network. For example, if you add negotiation to your skill set, you will likely increase the probability of gaining new contracts. Networking can lead you to new business opportunities.


6.      Subtraction (Sales)

Cut out unnecessary expenses and distractions. By reviewing your business expenses each month, you can determine which expenses are not adding to your bottom line and eliminate them. Distractions can prevent you from growing your business; therefore, they should be identified and removed quickly.

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Investing in Bricks and Mortar: Five YouTube Channels for Real Estate Investment

Have you ever considering generating wealth through real estate investment? This post highlights five YouTube Channels that guide novice to seasoned real estate investors and others who are interested in the real estate industry.

Real estate investing is a method many people use to generate wealth. When I purchased my home years ago, I thought that I was on my way to generating wealth by paying my mortgage each month.  However, over the years I have learned that it takes more than one property to gain wealth from real estate. I have thought about venturing into real estate investing but have not pursued it due to prioritizing other activities. As a homeowner, I’m always interested in the latest information on the housing market.  During my search for information on the housing market, I discovered five YouTube channels whose content informs and allows me to live vicariously through their real estate investment stories.  

1.      Sachs Realty

Todd Sachs is a real estate broker with over 30 years’ experience in the housing industry. Mr. Sachs discusses national real estate news with real estate experts every Tuesday on his channel. In addition, he has finance and economic thought leaders discussing the U.S. economy at least biweekly.

2.      Reventure Consulting

Nick Gerli, CEO of Reventure Consulting and Reventure App, teaches home buyers and real estate investors how to use data to make smarter real estate investment decisions. All the Reventure Consulting videos are less than thirty minutes and provide thorough information on the latest news in the housing market. The video on squatters highlights one of the risks of real estate investing.

 3.      Michael Bordenaro

Michael Bordenaro is a real estate professional who has a laid-back approach to his videos. He walks along the sunny streets of Miami, Florida while discussing the latest developments in the real estate industry and U.S. economy. Mr. Bordenaro’s most popular videos are his discussions on why moving to Florida now is not ideal.

4.      Earn Your Leisure

Earn Your Leisure interviews real estate investors and other entrepreneurs in industries including finance, technology, entertainment, music, and sports.  Mondays  (Market Mondays) are dedicated to discussion of the stock market. Every year the host an event called InvestFest which is highly attended by those working in the real estate industry due to networking and educational sessions occurring at the event. I attended in 2023 and met plenty of real estate investors.  

5.      Bigger Pockets

Bigger Pockets provides real estate investing information to those who are looking to supplement their income and eventually leave their 9-5 job to become a full-time real estate investor. On Sundays, the show has real estate Q&As and on Tuesdays analysis of housing market data.

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Wealth Wisdom Channels: Six YouTube Channels for Wealthy Mindset Development

The workday can be tedious if you don’t have anything to keep your mind focused on your goals. Is obtaining wealth one of your goals? This post recommends six YouTube channels that will help you develop a wealth mindset.

During my workday, I listen to material that will help me become healthy, wealthy and wise. I prioritize listening to this material because I know that I need health, wealth and wisdom to become successful. In addition, listening to this material has helped me get through numerous tedious assignments. Over the past three years, I have discovered six YouTube channels whose content inspires and motivates me to keep pursuing my main goal of financial freedom.

1.      Myron Golden

Myron Golden is an entrepreneur who helps other entrepreneurs grow their businesses. He discusses strategies to obtain generational wealth, how to improve your sales offers, and how to maximize your talents. Mr. Golden occasionally has guests that share their entrepreneurial journeys and wisdom.


2.      Social Proof Podcast

The Social Proof Podcast is dedicated to providing information to aspiring and beginning entrepreneurs who are looking to transition from a job into full time entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur guests on the show represent a variety of industries such as real estate, finance, textile, marketing, content creation, beauty, and health and wellness. My favorite series of the show is “The Hot Seat” which the host interrogates entrepreneurs about their businesses and business practices.


3.      The Diary of a CEO

Steven Bartlett, who is an entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and author, interviews experts and thought leaders. The interviews cover topics including entrepreneurship, science, technology, music, entertainment, nutrition, and mental health. Mr. Bartlett asks engaging questions to all of his guests and the preview trailer for each episode encourages you to watch.


4.      Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez is a speaker, writer, investor, and venture capitalist. Ms. Sanchez helps people buy “boring small businesses” (e.g., HVAC, laundromats, plumbing) to obtain financial freedom. Her content encourages recent high school graduates and older adults who are working a 9-5 job to own businesses. Ms. Sanchez has a community of Contrarians who she leads into developing a wealthy mindset.


5.      Minority Mindset

Jaspreet “The Minority Mindset” Singh is a serial entrepreneur and attorney who is and advocate for financial literacy for all.  Mr. Singh says: “The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It’s the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people.” He gives personal financial advice on how to get out of debt and use your money to build financial wealth. Mr. Singh also gives advice on real estate and stock market investment.


6.      Smart Money Bro

Eric “Smart Money Bro” Bowie is a personal finance coach and mentor. He gives practical and actional advice to help people manage, save, and invest their money. For those who are interested in becoming a real estate investor, he provides an analysis of the expenses involved in getting rental properties ready for tenants.

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The Wealthy Mindset: Manifesting Prosperity Through Intentional Actions

How often have you heard the saying: “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer”? This post will challenge you to think about this quote in a different way. In addition, this post provides tips on developing a wealthy mindset.

Myron Golden, who is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur, distributes videos each week on YouTube to empower entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. This week, his video entitled The Origins of Wealth and Poverty especially stood out to me. Mr. Golden began the video by adding a different perspective to the phrase: “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer”.  While growing up, I used to hear older people say this phrase as if it was law when they felt defeated by their financial situation. They believed that you had to be born into wealth or win the lottery. Mr. Golden said that the phrase implies that the rich are doing something to the poor to prevent them from becoming rich. However, he says that it is the poor person’s mindset that is primarily hindering financial prosperity. Mr. Golden acknowledges that there are some rich people who do things to prevent the poor from obtaining wealth, but implies that this should not prevent poor people from intentionally taking action to alleviate their financial hardships.

How to take intentional actions to obtain prosperity

To obtain prosperity, you must first develop a wealthy mindset. I have summarized the actions that Myron Golden described in the video.

1.       Change the voices that you listen to.

You may be bombarded by the voices of friends and/or family who are not on the path to obtain wealth. You must intentionally seek out voices of those who are focused on providing wealth building information.

2.       Don’t sugarcoat.

To sugarcoat means to hide the truth. If you know that you are not doing what you need to do to reach your goals, don’t say that you are “trying”.

3.       Change your focus.

The wealthy focus on abundance and not lack. You are what you think and you will act accordingly to what you believe about yourself.

4.       Make a decision on what to pay attention to and set your intention to produce a result.

The decision you make to do something to positively change your financial situation must be non-negotiable. If  your decision is negotiable, your decision has turned into a choice and you will likely keep making choices that will lead you into prosperity.

Near the end of the video, Mr. Golden says: “The rich get richer because of intention. They focus on intention and ignore distraction. The poor get poorer primarily because they focus on distraction and ignore intention.” This closing was a kick in the gut for me because I know that I can get distracted by social media when I don’t feel like focusing on a particular task. If I do this too often, it can lead to not accomplishing my goals and making excuses for myself.

Needless to say, I will watch this video multiple times to hold myself accountable to achieving prosperity.

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Resolute Resolve: Providing for Family Amidst Personal Discomfort

Have you ever left a job without considering the impact it would have on your family obligations? This article discusses prioritizing providing for family, comparison of discomfort levels, and in-demand jobs that are difficult to fill.

Growing up in a single parent household, my mother was the sole provider. She worked and retired from a local phone company after almost thirty years to ensure that we had all of our needs and some of our wants met. When she wanted additional income, I was with her in the evenings while she cleaned office buildings. In addition, I helped her sort and bag Avon products to distribute to her customers.  On the days that my mother’s job became burdensome, she said that she would look at a picture of me on her desk as motivation to not quit. I know that I have her “do whatever it takes” mentality when it comes to providing for my family. I have considered walking away from toxic job situations but remained because I didn’t want to forfeit my family’s financial stability.

I recently had a conversation with a college-educated millennial gentleman who is currently unemployed. He has amateur plumbing skills and I suggested that he pursue a career as a plumber because plumbers are in high demand.  He replied that he doesn’t need money that bad to work as a plumber. My first thought was his response was peculiar considering that he has a family to support. After I thought about it, I realized that he and I have different personal discomfort levels as it relates to providing for a family (i.e., my level is higher than his). This conversation made me want to research other jobs that are in high demand that most people do not want.

Ride-hailing drivers are in high demand; however, constant lifting of luggage, wear and tear on personal vehicles, and battling traffic deter many people from pursuing this self-employment opportunity. Gastroenterologists are in high demand due to an aging population, an upcoming surge in professionals retiring from this profession, and increased number of individuals with gastrointestinal issues. Over the years, popular specialties including cardiology and pediatrics were preferred by medical professionals.    Although work-from-home positions are perceived to be highly sought after, companies are having difficulty filling customer-support specialist roles. A customer-support specialist is an entry level position with limited growth which deters younger workers who want to see how their career will progress.

There are pros and cons for any job or career. In my professional career, I have learned that you don’t always get what you want instantly.  If you really desire something, you make sacrifices to obtain it. My desire is to be a great provider for my family. I would work a less desirable jobs and develop my skills until I positioned myself for ideal opportunities.

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Fearless Pioneer: Shirley Chisholm's Trailblazing Leadership Characteristics

Shirley Chisolm embodied strength and perseverance despite obstacles. This article discusses her impact as a congresswoman, 1972 presidential run, and her leadership characteristics.

I first learned about Shirley Chisholm as a child while watching a syndicated episode of the 1970s sitcom Good Times. Thelma, one of the sitcom characters, suggested that her younger brother Michael write an essay about a woman that he admires instead of a man and suggested Shirley Chisholm. When I asked my mother about her, she told me that she was the first black person to run for President of the United States. The next time I heard Shirley Chisholm’s name mentioned frequently was during the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were about to make history as either the first black or first woman Democratic party nominee. Shirley Chisholm was credited as being the pioneer for this occurrence.  

I recently watched the Netflix movie Shirley and learned more about her 1972 presidential campaign. Shirley Chisholm only spent $300,000 for her campaign which was considered underfunded. She had miniscule support from her colleagues and received three confirmed death threats. Although she faced many obstacles during the campaign, she demonstrated trailblazing leadership during her time as a congresswoman. She fought for unemployment benefits for domestic workers and sponsored a bill to ensure their minimum wage. In addition, she championed  the Equal Rights Amendment, enlisting women into public service, publicly funded daycare, parental leave, and civil rights and voting rights for all citizens.

Shirley Chisholm exemplified the following leadership characteristics.

1.      Visionary  

Shirley Chisholm began her career as an educator but did not let not having a background in politics deter her. She sought change for the underserved first at the local level which expanded to state, and finally to national.


2.      Assertiveness

When Shirley Chisolm was assigned to serve on the House Agriculture Committee, she appealed the appointment because she didn’t think it would benefit her Brooklyn, NY district. Her appeal was denied, but her work on the committee help create the Special Supplement Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children that did benefit her district.


3.      Empathy

Shirley Chisolm visited George Wallace, Alabama Governor and a political rival, in the hospital after he was shot in an assassination attempt. When asked about the visit, she said that she would not want what happened to him to happen to anyone.

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The Art of Restraint: Embracing Self-Control as Your Superpower

Have you ever said something and immediately regretted it? This article defines self control and describes how it can be mastered to improve your physical health and financial stability.

Everyone hates lunch time meetings.

This week I joined a conference call about five minutes before the scheduled start time. One of the attendees’ phones was unmuted and we heard the attendee cursing about why would anyone schedule a meeting during lunch time. The meeting host told the attendee that the phone was unmuted. Then she lightened the atmosphere by saying that she also hates attending meetings and this meeting would be short. The attendee apologized profusely. This situation reminded me of the importance of exercising self-control regardless of whether you think someone is watching or listening to you.

Self-control is defined as the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. Every day we make decisions whether or not to exercise self-control. For example, we decide whether to eat a sugary treat or eat fruit instead. While shopping, we decide whether to buy an outfit now or wait until it is on sale. In the article What Is Self-Control Theory in Psychology? the author states that self-control can be built like a muscle. The more the muscle is built the stronger it will become.

Abraham Gray, a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, stated on an episode of  The Social Proof Podcast that self-control is a skill that is essential for success. Mr. Gray said most people are hindered from success because they want instant gratification. He described how he was able to lose weight by thinking about the long-term effects of consuming junk food (e.g., weight gain and chronic diseases. The instant pleasure of eating junk food would hinder him from his weight loss and health goals. Mr. Gray discussed how self-control helped him to achieve financial stability and wealth. As a teenager, he habitually saved 50% of his earnings and continued to do this in adulthood. Mr. Gray emphasized that everyone can save and invest a percentage of their income consistently to achieve financial stability.

How can you use self-control as your superpower? What Is Self-Control Theory in Psychology?  lists the following elements to wield self-control.

1.        Deferring gratification

 Not obtaining pleasure immediately will reduce impulsiveness and build your self-control. For example, at least three days of each month, I only eat raw fruits and vegetables for my physical and spiritual health. During this time, I focus more on reading and writing.

2.       Ability to be cautious

Thinking before speaking is an example of being cautious. I think being an introvert has help me develop this element since I do not like to say the first thought that comes to my mind.

3.       Cognitive ability

Considering several factors before making a decision in addition to not being afraid to ask questions are methods of practicing this element of self-control. As I have matured, I have become more comfortable asking questions rather than being afraid of judgement from asking a “dumb question”.

4.       Social intelligence

Understanding your behavior, communicating effectively with others, and interpreting body language indicate having social intelligence. Social intelligence can be developed by observing others in social settings and continuously interacting with different people.

Self-control has to be consistently practiced to become a superpower. It is a superpower that will enhance your health, wealth, and relationships.

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Analysis of Green Eggs and Ham:  The Infallible Entrepreneurial Traits of Sam-I-Am

Have you ever learned adult lessons from reading a children’s story? The author discusses five entrepreneurial traits of the main character, Sam-I-Am, in the classic children’s book Green Eggs and Ham.

I read to my one-year-old daughter every night before she falls asleep. One night after I finished reading to her Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, I suddenly became reflective and told her that the moral of the story is to tenaciously pursue her goals just as Sam-I-Am persistently badgered a guy to eat green eggs and ham. Persistence is an entrepreneurial trait that is defined as the action of continuously doing or trying something despite difficulty or opposition. Once I told her the moral of Green Eggs and Ham, I was inspired to think of how it teaches other entrepreneurial traits.

The plot of Green Eggs and Ham centers around Sam-I-Am’s undaunted attempts to get Guy-Am-I, who was unnamed in the original publication, to eat a dish of green eggs and ham. At the beginning of the book, he enters Guy-Am-I’s house riding a dog and holding a sign which says “I-Am-Sam”.  Sam-I-Am then exits and returns riding a cat and holding a sign that says “Sam-I-Am”.  After Sam-I-Am exits, Guy-Am-I furiously proclaims, “That Sam-I-am! That Sam-I-am! I do not like that Sam-I-Am”. Sam-I-Am returns with a fishing rod apparatus equipped with a glove holding a plate that he has reeled towards Guy-Am-I’s face and asks, “Do you like green eggs and ham? Guy-Am-I firmly replies, “I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. I do not like green eggs and ham.” Sam-I-Am is not discouraged and continuously asks if he would eat them in or on different environments and locations (here, there, house, box, car, tree, train, dark, rain, and boat) and with various animals (mouse, fox, and goat), but Guy still angrily refuses, regardless of the circumstances by saying, "I do not like them here (this place) or there (the other place). I do not like them anywhere."

Keep in mind that Sam and Guy are transported to these different environments and locations. In the book, Sam and Guy are in the car which is on top of a two-car train that derails into a body of water where the boat is located. Sam and Guy splash into the water. Finally, an exhausted Guy-Am-I reluctantly tries the dish just to get Sam to "let him be". Guy eats the entire dish and proclaims that he would eat them in all of the places and with all of the animals mentioned earlier. The story ends with Guy and Sam becoming friends, and Guy happily saying, "I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-Am."

We learned that the entrepreneurial trait of persistence paid off for Sam-I-Am because he was able to get Guy to try and like green eggs and ham. What are other entrepreneurial traits that can be obtained from this story?

1.       Boldness

At the beginning of the story, Sam-I-Am presents himself to Guy in a bold, unconventional way by riding on a dog and a cat. Sam-I-Am has no fear of being ridiculed or ostracized. Boldness as an entrepreneur involves taking calculated risks and learning from the outcomes to take consistent action.

2.       Ingenuity

Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. Sam-I-Am’s presentation of the green eggs and ham dish involved ingenuity. He didn’t just hand Guy-Am-I the dish and ask, “would you please try green eggs and ham?” Sam-I-Am designed an apparatus which presented the dish to Guy. As an entrepreneur, you need ingenuity to come up with solutions to customers’ problems.

3.       Creativity

Sam-I-Am demonstrates creativity by asking Guy-Am-I to try the green eggs and ham in different environments and locations. He continuously came up with new ideas to get Guy to try green eggs and ham. As an entrepreneur you need creativity to pivot from one idea to the next until the customer’s problem is solved.

4.       Resilience

Resilience is the ability to endure or recover swiftly from difficulties. Sam-I-Am maintained his composure while asking an increasingly disgruntled Guy-Am-I to try green eggs and ham. Resilience is key for an entrepreneur to become successful due to challenges and setbacks along the way. Without resilience, an entrepreneur would quickly become discouraged and give up on pursuing their business goals.

It is amazing that you can learn entrepreneurial traits from a simple children’s story like Green Eggs and Ham. I’m enthusiastic about what else I will learn after reading the next bedtime story to my daughter.

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Solo to Supported: A Trip of a Lifetime

Transitioning from the single life to single motherhood can be overwhelming. However, when a single mother takes time for self-care and has a support system, she feels lighter. The author shares how she practices self- care and graciously receives assistance from her support system.

One year into motherhood, and life as a childless single woman seems like a distant memory. I look at vacation pictures from less than ten years ago and see myself smiling in destinations including Hawaii, Spain, Jamaica, and Ghana. Traveling made me happy. I would return home with renewed energy for my daily activities and new dishes to add to my culinary repertoire. Now, a monthly 20-minute trip to get a massage and afterwards shopping at Trader Joe’s gives me the same feeling that traveling did. In addition, when I get home, I look forward to seeing my daughter’s smiling face and ensuring that her needs are met.

Knowing that I have sole responsibility for her wellbeing encourages me to conserve my mental energy. I no longer let minor annoyances such as a getting cut off in traffic or a difference of opinion with a colleague at my job ruin my entire day. My daughter deserves to have a mother who is fully present. Sharing her milestones with friends and family allows me to reflect and stay connected with them.

I am blessed to have a community of friends and family help me thrive as a single mother. A friend and her family hosted my baby shower and my family and friends came from out of town to support me. After my daughter was born, a friend offered to drive me and my daughter home. My mother and stepfather spent three weeks with me to support my first few weeks of motherhood. When I needed to go to the doctor for a follow up visit after my daughter was born, another friend volunteered to watch my daughter. Other friends have checked in with me frequently brought gifts for me and my daughter to show support.

About two weeks ago, I planned to celebrate my daughter’s birthday by dressing her up and taking pictures. I planned to have a party for her when she was two or three years old. I figured by then I would have her around kids her own age that could come to her party.  When I told a friend my plans, she informed me that I needed to commemorate this occasion and planned a last-minute party. I invited a few friends and an aunt who lives close by. One friend booked a flight for this occasion. We all enjoyed ourselves during the party and my aunt recorded a video of my daughter’s confused reaction to everyone singing “Happy Birthday”.

Although I don’t travel as much as I used to, I am traveling these parenthood streets with a strong support system. I look forward to taking trips and creating memories with my daughter. I believe observing her enchantment and curiosity during these family trips will give me more enjoyment than my travels as a single woman. Cheers to the phenomenal adventures ahead.

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Late Bloomer: Embracing Parenthood After Thirty

Embracing parenthood after being single well into your thirties can be challenging. The author shares a few insights on how she navigated the transition from single life to parenthood.

“Why did she wait so long to have a child?” My mother told me this is a question one of her childhood friends asked when my mother told her I was expecting a child. My mother responded to her saying that I was focused on obtaining an education, stable job, and secure relationship. I think the question was annoying but not an unusual question. My mother was considered a late bloomer for having me at thirty years old. When my mother was a young adult, women were expected to be married and have children in their early to mid-twenties.  My friends either already had children in their mid-twenties to late thirties or were happily single and childless. I thought I would be happily single and childless. Currently, I am a single mother.

I wanted to have at least one child, but I wanted to have a child at least by the age of thirty-five. I told one of my friends, who had a child at thirty-eight years old, that I didn’t want to be an old mother. She was alarmed at my statement because she thought I was judging her for having a child later in life. However, I explained to her that I wanted to be a youthful mother and I could barely tolerate menstrual cramps. I couldn’t imagine tolerating labor pains. We now laugh about that conversation.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was in shock. Initially, I thought I was going through early menopause until the second home pregnancy test produced the same positive result. I started worrying about how inadequate the space is in my home. In addition, I had anxiety on how I would I manage investing in my retirement account and an education fund for my child. Furthermore, I was concerned about how I would parent my daughter. I was on edge for at least two months until I settled my nerves by being proactive.

To gain some space in my home, I had help moving the desk in my guest bedroom (which is now my daughter’s room), to the living room. I gave away some books and purchased hanging bookshelves for my living room. Recently, I researched investment options for my daughter’s education. I’m still deciding the best option but will have this settled in the next few weeks.

During my pregnancy, I started reading a book by Dr. Becky Kennedy entitled Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be. The advice that Dr. Kennedy provides is practical and can be applied to other personal relationships. I know I will refer to this book often as my daughter grows up. My daughter just turned one years old and I know the pages of this book will be well worn by the time she is a teenager.

Now that I have one year of parenthood under my belt, I’m not as anxious about parenthood as I was initially. I’m blessed to be surrounded by an outstanding community of family and friends. Also, I asked God to give me grace for each season of my child’s life and equip me with the skills that I need to properly raise my child. I’m certain He will honor my requests.

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